Choosing the right white-balance setting is particularly important if you are shooting JPEG files; it is less important when shooting in the RAW file mode, since these files contain more data than JPEGs and allow color imbalances to be easily remedied in postproduction.While this would seem to argue for shooting exclusively RAW files, it’s important to note that these files take up more room on media cards and require more time to write to the cards. As a result, many wedding photographers find it more practical to shoot JPEGs and perfect the color balance when creating the exposure.
A system that many pros follow is to take a custom white balance of a scene where they are unsure of the lighting mix. By selecting a white area in the scene and neutralizing it with a custom white-balance setting, you can be assured of an accurate color rendition. Others swear by a device known as the ExpoDisc (www.expodisc.com), which attaches to the the lens like a filter and is highly accurate in most situations.
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