Arms. Subjects’ arms should generally not be allowed to fall to their sides, but should project outward to provide gently sloping lines and a “base” to the composition. This is achieved in a number of ways. For men, ask them to put their hands in their pockets; for women, ask them to bring their hands to their waist (whether they are seated or standing).
Remind them that there should be a slight space between their upper arms and their torsos. This triangular base in the composition visually attracts the viewer’s eye upward, toward the face, and also prevents subjects from appearing to have flat and flabby arms.
Hands. Posing hands properly can be very difficult because, in most portraits, they are closer to the camera than the subject’s head and thus appear larger. One thing that will give hands a more natural perspective is to use a longer than normal lens. Although holding the focus on both the hands and face is more difficult with a longer lens, the size relationship between them will appear more natural. If the hands are slightly out of focus, this is not as crucial as when the eyes or face are soft.
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