Wedding photographers live by Murphy’s Law: if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong. That is why most seasoned pros carry backups—extra camera bodies, flash heads, transmitters, batteries, cords, twice the required amount of film or storage cards, etc. For AC-powered flash, extra extension cords, several rolls of duct tape (for taping cords to the floor), power strips, flash tubes, and modeling lights also need to be on hand.
Other items of note include a stepladder for making groups shots, flashlights, a mini tool kit (for mini emergencies), and quick-release plates for your tripods (these always seem to get left behind on a table or left attached to a camera). Spare batteries are also a must. Today’s camera batteries are much better than in years past and should last all day without replacement. However, it’s always a good idea to bring extra batteries and a charger or two.
Spare packs should be fully charged and ready to go—and you should have enough to handle your cameras as well as your assistant’s cameras and the backup gear. If downloading images to a laptop, do not forget spare laptop batteries or the computer’s AC adapter.
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